I'm a fine art photographer passionate about capturing love stories. Based in the Adirondacks of upstate New York, but serving couples wherever their love story takes them!

lake george ny WEDDING PHOTOGRAPher


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One of my favorite wedding photographers is Hunter Leone of Three Nails Photography. I’ve followed him since one of his first styled sessions went viral… we’re talking years here and totally in a creepy, facebook stalkerish way. I have no shame when I admire someone. Anyway, I’d see his workshop announcements come out and wish I could go but business or family always seemed to be a pressing priority. Then he announced his final workshop and I knew, right then and there, short of selling my children to the circus… I was going to be at that workshop! So signed up and last week, packed my bags and set off for Shreveport, Louisiana.

First, let me give you a quick review of the workshop… it was AH-MAZ-ING. I mean I learned more in the first day of the workshop than I’ve learned in a while (and ummm… let’s not forget I just finished my Bachelors of Photography so that’s saying a lot). Learning from Hunter was like learning from a friend. He was so personable, willing to let all his “secrets” out to help his attendees learn all they could and insanely funny. That man can tell a story like there is no tomorrow… it kept us engaged and enthused. I seriously embrace the community over competition movement in the photography world and Hunter lives it. All I can hope, is that he decides one day to offer these workshops again because I think every photographer should attend at least once.

The biggest take away from this workshop for me was that it is okay to shoot things the way I want. I felt for the first time in a long time that I could truly express myself through my photography just the way I have always envisioned and wished for. Yup, personal growth at it’s finest. Shout out to Hunter for being inspiring.

Each of his workshops has a theme… this one’s was Oliver Twist. It was fascinating to know that with every styled session he sets up, he forms this back story and it is evident in every decision he makes. I’m fairly certain this is what makes his images so successful.

So, let’s get on to the pictures… my work from Hunter’s set styling and posing.


STYLING AND POSING BY: HUNTER LEONE, THREE NAILS PHOTOGRAPHY | YM Photography | Bolton Landing on Lake George, NY Engagement and Wedding Photographer

Personal Photography, Photography Workshop

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