I'm a fine art photographer passionate about capturing love stories. Based in the Adirondacks of upstate New York, but serving couples wherever their love story takes them!
lake george ny WEDDING PHOTOGRAPher
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Every so often I take a look back… re-evaluate where I am and what techniques I’ve learned along the way. I typically end up being proud of myself for the progress I’ve made… and then there are the moments when I look at my own personal family photography and wonder “WHAT WAS I THINKING?!”.
Please don’t get me wrong… I cherish every one of these photos and yes, they have all hung in my home at one time or another. HOWEVER, I do cringe when I look at their photographic technique and merit. These babies aren’t earning me any awards except in my own heart.
Let’s start here. 2000-2004. The years I decided to take the girls photos with the SAME pose every year for their entire lives… or three years… whichever came first.
THE EARLY YEARS © ymphotography 2015 www.ymphotography.com
We lived in San Antonio and I was lucky enough to have all the missions around. A lot of the photos I took this year and in particular this day with my little point and shoot were actually okay. No winning awards here and no where near perfect but the first time I looked at my photography and thought “Hmmm… look what I can do!! I might like this photography stuff!”
Unfortunately, they are also the size of my pinky so I can’t do much with them.
2005 Family Portraits © ymphotography 2015 www.ymphotography.com
I learned something about location when I was in San Antonio… and tried to carry it on with pictures when I moved to South Korea. Unfortunately… I hadn’t discovered wardrobe consultations (the girls always got to pick what they wanted to wear), focus or framing.
2006 Family Portraits © ymphotography 2015 www.ymphotography.com
2007 was a year of many moves with the military between housing units and from one duty station to another. We went to a “professional” studio… in the mall… waiting like an hour in an overheated room to get photos that were frankly horrible!
2008 was the year I got my first DSLR. I had not one clue how to use it. But hey! I was finally starting to pose.
2008 Family Portrait © ymphotography 2015 www.ymphotography.com
I’m fairly certain that 2009 photos were so bad I “mistakenly” deleted them (truthfully, I learned the painful reality of not backing up your photos when my computer died).
While every one of these photos is pretty bad… they are some of the photos I love the most… Why? Because instead of fake smiles and poses… they REALLY show the personalities and dynamics of our family.
(In order from left) Hannah is my adventurous one. First one up the tree and always smiling. Ashley, the oldest, is outgoing but reserved. The safety net for her sisters. Rachel is our nurturer, our caretaker. Very quiet and introverted… she is also typically one sneakily instigating mischief. And finally, Lily, the baby of the family is just all around silly and like the photo suggests fearfully gives in to a lot of her sisters’ demands.
2010 Family Portrait © ymphotography 2015 www.ymphotography.com
Ahhh… I upgraded my camera this year and learned a little about white balance and posing. Too bad I didn’t learn what bad crops were along the way.
2011 Family Portrait © ymphotography 2015 www.ymphotography.com
My favorite year to date. Loved everything about this session. I’m not a fan anymore of my post processing at the time and do plan to revisit these pictures… but every time I do, I just can’t bring myself to change them.
Summer 2012 Family Portrait © ymphotography 2015 www.ymphotography.com
These are a few photos from a cousin session I did with the entire family… which the older two girls boycotted. Sigh. I love these photos as well and adore everything about them (yes, my lighting is off but I’m giving myself a break since I focused properly ha ha)
2012 Cousin Family Portraits © ymphotography 2015 www.ymphotography.com
Same year, another session… this time the girls were happy to participate (ha ha)
Fall 2012 Family Portrait © ymphotography 2015 www.ymphotography.com
These two goofing off again. Sister love = <3
Fall 2012 Family Portrait © ymphotography 2015 www.ymphotography.com
Ahhh… 2013. Taken while camping… like literally camping sleeping bag on the ground style in Maine.
I title these first two photos : “Are we done yet?!” and “Hurry up and take the damn picture!”
2013 Family Portrait © ymphotography 2015 www.ymphotography.com
The behind the scenes of a posed family photo.
2013 Family Portrait © ymphotography 2015 www.ymphotography.com
The lighting isn’t great on this photo… but it is my all-time favorite photo of my adventuring baby.
2013 Family Portrait © ymphotography 2015 www.ymphotography.com
In 2014, it rained the entire time my oldest was home. I snapped this photo with a cell phone as she was leaving to go to the airport. It’s another imperfect, perfect-for-me photo.
And there you have it. My history of our family portraits. The okay, the not-so-great and the OMG! What was I thinking?! But still some of my most cherished photography.
www.ymphotography.com | YM Photography | Bolton Landing, NY Family Photographer